Alex’s Lemonade Stand – One Little Girl’s Big Dream

Today (1/18) I was going to write about a different topic, but then I realized it was Alex’s birthday today and I had to change course to tell you about this amazing little girl who would be 22 years old today. Alex Scott is the founder and continued inspiration for a phenomenal organization called Alex’s Lemonade Stand. She was diagnosed with an aggressive type of tumor called neuroblastoma when she was just a baby. Alex never knew life without cancer. When she was four years old (and still battling cancer), she decided she wanted to have a lemonade stand to raise funds to help other kids like her. Four years later, in 2004, she passed away at the age of 8 and had raised over a million dollars for pediatric cancer research. Today, Alex’s Lemonade Stand, has raised over 150 million dollars to support pediatric cancer research and support pediatric cancer patients and families.

Today I sit and wonder about Alex and who she would be today. What would she be doing and how would she be changing the world now? In 8 short years, she literally changed the landscape of pediatric cancer research and I’m sure she had even greater plans.


This is what we are trying to achieve – a cure for each child so that they may realize their fullest potential. I’ve always said the kids inspire me, and even though I never knew Alex personally, her story embodies all of the patients I have the privilege to care for and all the good in the world. Happy Birthday sweet girl.

To read a beautiful story from Alex’s mom, please go here: Alex Scott

#morethanfour  #ChildhoodCancer365

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